I started taking photos in the early autumn of 1999. The first ones were taken using a Praktica BL with a hand photometer. Thanks to this very old, fully manual camera I learned a great deal about this art form. Then I used an Eos 30. Currently, I shoot using an Eos 10D.
My photographs have been displayed at exhibitions:
--> January 2003 - "Wokól mnie - impresje", Kraków
--> May 2003 - wystawa w "Piwnicy przy Dominikanskiej ", Kraków
--> December 2003 - Wystawa fotografii jazzowych, Rotunda, Kraków
--> October 2004 - "Beskidy", Dom Kultury w Andrychowie
--> November 2004 - "Tuscany", Galeria Bezdomna, Kraków
--> December 2004 - Wystawa fotografii jazzowych, Rotunda, Kraków
--> March 2004 - "Vandermark 5", Alchemia, Kraków
--> March 2004 - "Musicians of Jewish Cultural Festival \'05", Alchemia, Kraków
--> Listopa 2006 - "My vision of sound ", Alchemia, Kraków
My other achievements:
--> CD Covers
--> Covers of "Polski Biuletyn Klubu Ekologicznego"
--> Publications and competitions
I cooperate with Diapazon,the Polish Internet Jazz Service, where my jazz photos are regularly published:
--> www.diapazon.pl
You can also find my photos on Alchemia's web page:
--> www.alchemia.com.pl
Photographic documentation of Janusz Radek's concert entitled "Królowa Nocy" at Alchemia.
Photographic documentation of the Motion Trio's concert:
Projects of internet pages:
--> Bartosz Winiarski - Fotography - www.bartwin.com
--> Piwi - Urz±dzenia i maszyny budowlane, agregaty, generatory, zagęszczarki - www.piwi.com.pl